Dancing Worm (Šokantis Kirminas) (2006)
- Runtime: 20 min
- Country: Lithuania
- Language: Lithuanian
- In Color
An opera singer, who is a substitute for the primo uomo, has to spend the time of a performance behind the scenes. He is not aware yet that this is a day when he gets his turn to appear on stage and replace an Italian singer who got ill.
- Director and Screenwriter - Ignas Jonynas
- Producer - Kęstutis Drazdauskas (Artbox Production House)
- Cinematographer - Ramūnas Greičius
- Production Designer - Jurgita Gerdvilaitė
- Composer - Paulius Kilbauskas
- Costume Designer - Agnė Rimkutė
Check IMDB for a full crew & cast list
Main cast:
- Dainius Kazlauskas
- Julija Goyd
- Arturas Jevdokimovas
- Arvydas Dapšys
- Vesta Grabštaitė
- Algirdas Dainavičius
Check IMDB for a full crew & cast list