It Would Be Splendid, Yet… (Jau puiku, tik dar šiek tiek…) (2009)
- Runtime: 28 min
- Country: Lithuania
- Language: Lithuanian
- In Color
1992, the year when Lithuania became independent. One day a factory worker Danguole wins a Special Prize in a lottery at work. This woman and her family will have the honour to represent new Lithuania to the world as she will welcome an American press-photographer to her home.
- Director and Screenwriter - Lina Lužytė
- Producers: Kęstutis Drazdauskas (Artbox Production House), Simona Trilikauskaitė
- DoP - Feliksas Abrukauskas
- Production Designer and Costume Designer - Jurgita Gerdvilaitė
Check IMDB for a full crew & cast list
Main cast:
- Danguol - Gabija Ryškuvienė
- Pranas - Rytis Saladžius
- Mykoliukas - Domas Pirštelis
- Elvyra - Rimantė Valiukaitė
- Stepas - Andrius Paulavičius
- Onytė - Beatričė Kričėnaitė
- Albertas - Rokas Gluskinas
Check IMDB for a full crew & cast list