Santa (2014)
- Runtime: 100 min.
- Country: Lithuania, Finland
- Language: English, Lithuanian, Finnish
- In color
A trip to Lapland leads to immense changes in the life of a single mother and her seven year old son. Love, hope and efforts to save the life of a little boy will dramatically change the lives of the two grown-ups.
- Director and screenwriter - Marius Ivaškevičius
- Producers: Kęstutis Drazdauskas (Artbox Production House), Asta Valčiukaitė
- Co-producers (2013): Joonas Berghall, Essi Haukkamaa, Joonas Kauppinen
- Co-producer (2010 – 2012) - Petri Rossi
- DoP - Tuomo Hutri
- Production Designer - Jurgita Gedvilaitė
- Composer - Kipras Mašanauskas
- Costume Designer - Agnė Rimkutė
- Art Director - Lina Gečienė
Check IMDB for a full crew & cast list
Main cast:
- Jussi Lehtonen/Santa - Tommi Korpela
- Inga - Sandra Daukšaitė
- Vincas - Ovidijus Petravičius
- Ana - Helga Periaho
- Edita - Beata Tiškevič
Check IMDB for a full crew & cast list