Tokyo Trial (2016)
- Runtime: 105 min
- Genre: Drama
- Country: Netherlands | Japan | Canada
- Language: English | Dutch | Japanese
- Release Date: 2016
- Black and White
A historical drama that focuses on a decade-long investigation into events in the Pacific during and after WWII.
Directed by:
- Rob W. King
- Pieter Verhoeff
Writing Credits (in alphabetical order):
- Rob W. King
- Max Mannix
- Toru Takagi
- Pieter Verhoeff
- Kees van Beijnum
Check IMDB for a full crew & cast list
- Tim Ahern
- Irrfan Khan
- Paul Freeman
- Serge Hazanavicius
- Marcel Hensema
- William Hope
- Gabija Jaraminaite
- Kestutis Stasys Jakstas
Check IMDB for a full crew & cast list
Emmy Award Nominee (2017)